Malbazar to Jaigaon Buses
Via: Birpara-Madarihat-Hasimara-Jaigaon
These buses mostly departures* from Siliguri P.C. Mitttal Bus Stand/Panitanki to Jaigaon.
NOTE: These are not the direct bus from Malbazar, these buses departures from different station at different time.
This page only the shows the Estimated Arrival Time (ETA) time when it reaches Malbazar.
1 Direct Bus Found
Sri Ramakrishna 71A-3953 is the only bus departures from Malbazar (MBZ) Bus Stop at 07:30 ETD.
Sri Ramakrishna 71A-3953 | MBZ-Jaigaon | 07:30 |
Black Diamond 71-7146 | SLG-Makrapara (Jaigaon) | 09:05 |
ULTRA Charlee 73E-1904 | SLG-Jaigaon | 09:25 |
Ratul 76-9797 | Panitanki-Jaigaon (Via: Mal, Birpara) | 11:25 |