Malbazar to Siliguri Buses
Via: Sevoke
These are the Buses which arrives* Malbazar at the time given below and it’s last stoppage is Siliguri (P.C. Mittal Bus Stand).
NOTE: These are not the direct bus from Malbazar, these buses departures from different Bus Stops at different time.
This page only the shows the Estimated Arrival Time (ETA) time when it reaches Malbazar.
1 Direct Bus Found
Maa Durga 71-3212 departs from Malbazar Bus Stop to Siliguri P.C. Mittal Bus Stop, (Via- Baradhigi).
Maa Durga 71-3212 | MBZ-SLG (Via - Baradhigi) | |
73B-7142 | Samsing-SLG | 07:00 |
Mayuri 71-9110 | Nagrakata-SLG | 07:40 |
Shiv Ganga 69-3602 | Jaigaon-SLG | 07:55 |
Jaigaon-SLG | 09:00 | |
Dooars Travels 73A-1858 | Jaigaon-SLG (Birpara,Mal,Gorubathan)* | 09:00 |
71-9029 | Jaigaon-SLG | 09:00 |
Shree Ram Balaji 71A-0381 | Birpara-SLG | 09:05 |
Balaji | Birpara-SLG | 09:05 |
Tista Torsha 71-9141 | FLK-SLG (Via - Malbazar) | 09:15 |
Maa Mangala 59-6717 | Chamurchi-SLG | 09:00 (09:25)* |
Maa 59-8799 | Samsing-SLG | 09:20 |
Joybaba Pashupatinath 71B-0502 | Birpara-SLG | 09:30 |
Mousona 71A-3209 | Madarihat-SLG | 09:30 (09:45)* |
Sankat Mochan 71-7210 | Chamurchi-SLG | 09:40 (09:30)* |
Abirbhah 71-7105 | Jaigaon-SLG | 09:55 |
OM 71A-7754 | Matelli-SLG | 10:15 |
RajLaxmi 71A-6379 | Matelli-SLG | 11:15 |
Humsafar 71A-2679 | Samsing-SLG | 15:55 |
Sabar Priyo 71A-0800 | Jaigaon-SLG | 17:40 |
Bromesh | Samsing-SLG | --- |
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